The big bang in lovemaking

Lovemaking in the form of a bodily sexual dance between two people, is a way of getting a glimpse of the love energy waiting for you, when you die and your soul returns into the light of the universe.

The lovemaking is experienced as a big bang every time you have an orgasm.

What if the meaning of lovemaking on earth is to get a glimpse of the state of the endless and unconditional love existing in the universe.

So many people fail to experience the galactic explosion formed in the orgasm, but when you do; you actually see the whole universe behind your eyes and throughout your inner world and sanctuary.

La petite mort

What if the act of lovemaking was not just invented to create life but to experience death?

What if the meeting between two naked bodies is a doorway to heaven and the universal wisdom?

What if the real reason for love and lovemaking is to experience the love, that awaits you, when you die and your soul returns to the light of the universe?

In France the orgasm actually is called “La petite mort” – the little death. An expression meaning “the short loss or the weakening of consciousness” and in modern usage refers to “the sensation of post orgasm as likened to death.”

In women, this helps unblock energy channels throughout the body, in addition to regenerating cells during orgasm, due to the electric shock they receive. In men, it causes the testicles and prostate to remain active like a muscle that must be exercised, or they can atrophy, producing diseases and energy blockages.

Space travel

In every orgasm, you travel to outer space.

You simply connect to the universal energies and wisdom from where you arrived in the first place!

The mechanical sex (without any feelings or deep connection) seeking bodily pleasure and sexual release without the energies of tender love and connection towards the person; you either penetrates or allows to enter into your sacred inner sanctuary and womb; will never give you this experience!

But the purest lovemaking between two souls recognizing one another by the heart energy; is creating heaven on earth every time.

Ask yourself why do you want to have sex without a deep heart connection?

Maybe you only feel connected and loved during the lovemaking proces, but not afterwards?

Seek a lovestory and a lover that not only takes your breath away, but also breathes life into every cell of your human body.


What do the act of sex actually mean to you?

When you start to see sex as a sacred act of getting a glimpse into the universal realm; you will experience a deep and profound sense of belonging.

Not just belonging to the person you make love with. But a belonging to something far greater than your human existence.

A belonging that reconnects your soul to the universal energies of love.

This act of lovemaking is only experienced by those who willingly raise the torch of light given to all human beings, when born into planet earth.

It is your duty to find the courage to shine your light so bright, that the darkness surrounding your heart simply fades away.
It is your privilege to make a choice between living in light or in the darkness.
It is your choice to keep your soul asleep or to become awakened.

It is all up to you, but you have to be willing to shed the way you see yourself and the world.

Heaven on Earth

You have a choice to experience heaven on earth every time you share your naked body in a sexual dance with another human being.

Or to keep seeking multiple short term pleasure sharing your body with a lot of strangers; leaving you with an empty heart every time.

It is not bodily sexual pleasure you need or seek.
It is the deep love connection, only felt with an open heart.

It is the connection between two souls instead of just two bodies.

It is the union of both the masculine and the feminine energy in a sacred dance! This is not only a sexual dance between the genders as man and woman, but a merge between the masculine and feminine universal energies in both gender.

It is a glimpse of the big bang – the creation of the universe – in the earthly flesh embodying the soul.